9X Minerals joined a community activities in Deijiang county which is organized by the local community-based government, it aims to advocate the joint efforts of enterprises in the community and carry out the battle of poverty alleviation.

The purpose of donation is to give back to the community. The long-term development of the community also lies in the spirit of hard struggle and courage of local enterprises and the masses. The community has received a total of $100,000 in donations, which will be used for community infrastructure, education investment, poverty alleviation and transformation projects. 9X Minerals was awarded the title of “Chunhui Messenger”

9X Minerals proposed Initiatives at the meeting:

Enterprises should give full play to the spirit of hard work, while creating value and wealth, they should be grateful to the community and give back to the community.

Community government should actively play the role of national policy, and play a bridge role in communication and cooperation between community enterprises and residents, community enterprises and enterprises, community enterprises and governments.

Community residents should seize the opportunity to learn skills and create value while improving themselves in enterprises.

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