Our Goal: Create a culture of zero harm to our Health, Safety, Environment and Community.

Health and Safety

Our employees and business partners work around in a variety of environments. Some work in underground mines, some in remote parts of the world and others in office buildings. Health and safety are our priority!

To create a safe and healthy working environment depending on uncompromising commitment of all the people to demonstrate leadership in safety. By focusing on four key aspects–Safety Leadership, Injury Prevention, Fatality Prevention, and Health and Wellbeing–we believe 9X Minerals can achieve industry leading performance and a culture&value of zero harm.

How we do to guide the performance of safety and health:

●Our goal is to achieve a zero harm workplace.

●The worker should use tools correctly and rationally. Safety overalls have to be taken without exception.

●Warning signs must be set up on the site to guide the behavior and norms of the participants.

●Everyone is accountable for his or her own safety and the safety of those around them.

●Employee is expected to identify hazards and manage risks.

●Employee needs a pre-service training of Necessary skills, get this job if till qualified.

●Breached certain safety practices, may lead to termination of employment.


We understand our activities impact on the environment; our Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement Policy and environmental standards are designed to protect the environment and prevent – or otherwise minimize, mitigate and remediate – those impacts.

Partnerships with experts, regulators and communities also help inform our management systems to ensure they are implemented consistently and are effective at protecting our environment.

9X has set standards of excellence with regard to a number of matters, including the items listed as below:

●Water availability: field data and monitoring, programs of improving water quality

●Dust-free construction&mining

●Reclaiming mining area

●Mining area construction does not occupy green space

●Set standards of biodiversity management

●Centralized management, recovery and utilization of rocks


Guizhou is a multi-ethnic area. Our activities in Lijiashan may have impact on their daily life. We have to learn and integrate into local life and culture. At least, our activities can’t disturb their normal life there. Management team, local community and village representative have reached a consensus “mining activities and local life should not interfere with each other”. Furthermore, we have created jobs for local people to help them solve livelihood.

9X Minerals has set standards for our employee regarding the respect of local community:

●Noise control, pollution control and emission reduction

●Protective facilities in mining areas

●Employing local technicians and builders, mutual achievement

●Learn local culture and custom.

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